Jul 30 2013

Pivot UserResponse() Values Into Rows

Categories: Report Techniques,Variables! Dave Rathbun @ 6:15 am

Several years ago I wrote a post that has generated a fair number of follow-up questions and comments. The post was related to splitting user response values onto separate rows and it used some basic string operations to do that. The important distinction is that the values were on different rows but remained in a single cell, which meant the output was suitable for a header cell.

Recently I got a comment that posed this question:

In one of my reports there is prompt to select the Fiscal Year and the user can select multiple LOVs. Prompt Name is “Year”. Say for example the user enters 2011,2012 and 2013. On using the function userresponse the report will show 2011;2012;2013

My requirement is to identify minimum value from the LOVs that the user has entered. In this case the report should show the mininum value as 2011. Can you please guide me on how to achieve this?

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