Feb 18 2013

Back After A Nice Break…

Categories: General Dave Rathbun @ 5:26 pm

Hello folks, I’m back after a nice break with a quick comment from our favorite curly tie engineer:

I needed a break from various things, but I should be back and blogging soon. Conference season is starting up. BI2013 was going to be first on my list, then SAPPHIRE. I had to back out of BI2013, and the jury is still out as to whether I’ll make it to SAPPHIRE/ASUG Annual Conference just yet.

I have finally started to do some serious work using the Information Design Tool, and my first blog post related to work flow differences between IDT and Universe Designer should be ready to come out shortly.

Finally, I have added a new permanent page to my side menu titled, “Donating To Dagira.” Please check it out and see if it’s something you would be willing to support, thanks!

I am way behind on approving comments. 😳 I will be working through those this week.