Aug 25 2008

Conference Schedules…

Categories: Conferences Dave Rathbun @ 3:52 pm

I got accepted to present at the fall Business Objects conference again this year. Things are really on a tight schedule; we only have about two weeks from acceptance to the date when the first draft is due. 😯 With all of the work required to keep up with client obligations, Integra projects, BOB stuff, this blog… well, blog posting may be a bit sporadic over the coming month or so.

Having said that, it seems that I will also be able to go to the SAP TechEd conference next month. I’m finalizing travel and other arrangements now. I hope to be able to do “live blogs” like I did from Berlin earlier this spring since I will be there primarily as an attendee and not as a speaker. There is a bit more news on that front but I need to get final confirmation on a few details before posting anything further.

Busy. Busy. I’ll be back when I can.