Oct 28 2007

2007 Conference Presentations Posted

Categories: Conferences Dave Rathbun @ 8:56 am

I have (for now, at least) created a specific page for downloading conference presentations. I felt like this would make it easier to find them. If I post the presentations on a blog post, they will eventually roll off of the front page and I would imagine I would get plenty of questions about “where to download…” and so on.

Instead I have created a page just for hosting download links.

Conference Presentations

For now I have posted the Tales of the Ninja (part one and two) in zip format. The supplementary files (reports and universes and databases) are not yet available, and I am not sure when I will get the time to set them up properly. The first post related to this presentation is up and posted, and you can follow along with all of them using the Insight Americas 2007 category on the right-hand side menu.